Sunday 11 November 2012

MOBA map

I spent a large portion of today getting my map mock up for my game created. I need to start my environment sketches now so i needed to have a sort of lay of the land down so that i know what i'm drawing, the map is pretty basic and just used to show the layout of everything, i will need to do some preliminary sketches to decide how the map will look visually. some details i have already decided. I want the map to be on a gradient going from top to bottom lane down the river, it will go from a kind of mountainous area at the top will a river/stream running down. Once it reaches the mid and bot part of the map  it will become more marsh like and becomes mud. I had the idea to have the mud as an environmental hazard and slow the players but i don't think i really need to get into that much depth with it.

I started out on some square grid paper i had, one i had half of the map mocked up i too a photograph of it with my phone, i would have scanned it but my printer has gone the way of every other printer I've ever had and broken.

I only created half of the map as they are always mirrored to create an even playing field for both teams.
I then went over it and created it again in Photoshop with more detail.

The map is fairly similar to the League of Legends map and uses a lot of the same gameplay features. The standard lanes, bases, river and towers are all the same. I have changed the jungle layout and added some of my own features such as bridges across the river and both ends to provide some interesting structural elements and what could potentially be interesting gameplay features.

I also did one with a key and some annotations.


  1. coooool can i use it to make my own game ?

    1. sure, never did anything with it.

    2. Thanks so much, also can u help me about heroes and other thing.... just if you wanna give me ideas ( you can help me desing ) If you want add me on Skype : TigerCrownyn ( or just tell me your skype name and i will ade you :)
      If you dont have skype tell me how can i contact you ( only if you wanna help :P :)
